Welcome to the first issue of Megami Tegami, the lovely letter sent from Megami Maids to you!
I am so excited to finally be sharing this project with the world because I wanted to connect Goshujinsama and Ojousama with Megami outside of events, but wanted more substance than I could give on social media. So, I combined my two passions of being a maid and writing and shared my idea of a newsletter with Head Maid Yui and she supported me and helped me bring Megami Tegami to life!
With this letter and the future letters to come I hope you grow to understand not just Megami Maids, but maid café culture as a whole and grow to love it as much as I do. I want to give a special thanks to my wonderful maid sisters in Megami for working so hard and giving me so much to write about! Without further ado, please enjoy Megami Tegami!
Love, Maid Nana

In the heart of Houston there is a doorway to another world. A pastel, sparkling world protected by uniformed girls adorned in frills and colorful ribbons, but these are not your average magical girls, these are the Megami Maids and in the name of Moe they will serve you!
The Cosmic Maid Cafe was a collaboration between Megami Maids and Popfancy Pops that ran for the first two weekends in September. The café was adorned head to toe in all the tropes of Mahou Shoujo anime. Sakura blossoms swayed from the ceiling, electric angel wings illuminated the cozy café while scenes of Tokyo could be viewed through the ‘windows’. The centerpiece of the decor was the shining display of Sailor Moon’s weapons and transformation items. Seasoned anime fans and novices alike gathered to dine at the café and in between each bustling table was a maid.
Tickets to the maid café included two menu items; some favorites were the ‘Rainbow Moon Heartache’ lemonade and ‘The Windy’: a french toast inspired by Cardcaptor Sakura, topped with a replica of its namesake clow card. For those with less of a sweet tooth, the ‘Host Club Sando’ boxes were popular, but each meal was made a little bit sweeter with the magical spell the maids bestowed upon the food- Moe Moe Kyuuun!
After enjoying their meals the guests of the café were treated to a performance by the maids. Each session had a different performance; some highlights include Head Maid Yui dancing to the anime classic Hare Hare Yukai and Maid Michi performing Inu Neko Seishun Massakari by Wasuta. Goshujinsama and Ojousama clapped and cheered as the dances ended, signaling the time at the café was coming to a close, but the joy and memories made in the café will last until the Silver Millenium. Until then, the Megami Maids will keep fighting evil by moonlight and winning love by daylight!

In this highly anticipated sequel, Megami Maids returned to Sonic EXPO for the second year in a row! The Spin Dash Diner was a retro diner themed celebration of the Sonic franchise with a kawaii maid café twist. Fans all over Texas— from McAllen to Dallas— gathered in the diner, taking photos with the carhop themed Sonic character cut outs, talking to their maids, and enjoying their meals. The fan favorite was (of course) Sonic’s Ultimate Chili Dog, with a side of onion rings and for dessert, Silver’s Root Beer Float. The food was so popular some con-goers ate at the café every day of the three day convention!
It wasn’t just the delicious food that brought the crowd to Spin Dash Diner, it was also the lovely maids. This was Maid Aries first event since being promoted to senior maid and had this to say:
“Sonic Expo was my first event as a senpai maid and it made me really happy to finally showcase my red bow color. When my bow promotion first came out to the public it wasn’t only super exciting but a huge relief for me knowing my head maid and managers were confident in me leveling up within Megami Maids.”
The dynamic duo of Maids Yaya and Chisa performed Aozora Jumping Heart by Aquors, which might seem familiar for Goshujinsama and Ojousama who were at Weebcon this past April. Many Goshujinsama and Ojousama returned from last year's convention, some wearing maid themed Sonic cosplays much to the delight of Megami.
Once again Sonic Expo did not disappoint; this fandom is one of the most energetic and most sincere groups of people. They are always ready to give 100% to everything they do, the kind of genki energy that brings a maid café alive. The supersonic attitude made the weekend fly by a little too fast, but it wouldn’t be Sonic without speed would it? Until next time!

In this exclusive Megami Tegami interview we sit down with newly promoted premium maids Risa and Yaya and learn what it takes to become the crème de la crème of Megami Maids.
First of all Congratulations on becoming Premium Maids! Some of our readers might not be familiar with the maid ranking system, so could you tell us what being a premium maid means?
Risa: Thank you Maid Nana! To me, becoming a Premium Maid is about being a maid the newer Megami maids can rely on for help during events, practices and performances, as well as always being a maid role model!
Yaya: Being a premium maid reflects the hard work you put into the café; for making Goshujinsama and Ojousama happy and being dedicated to keeping the essence of Megami alive.
You have both been a part of Megami Maids for several years, but how did your journey as a maid begin?
Yaya: My journey as a maid began with Megami, but even way before I joined I loved and admired maid cafés. There was a big anime convention here in Houston Texas around 2016 that hosted maids from Japan and experiencing that first hand made me fall in love with it.
Risa: Risa's dream was always to visit Akihabara maid cafés, and I have always watched serving videos of At Home café and Maidreamin. In January 2021, I attended a Megami pop-up event in maid cosplay and had so much fun! I met some first generation maids like Leysa, Jas and Yui. Shortly after that event, they opened applications for second gen and that’s how I became a part of Megami!
Do you have any memorable stories from your time in Megami?
Risa: At our Anime Corpus 2024 maid café, a very cute Ojousama was excited to meet me in person and said she has been a fan from my Instagram! I was very happy that day. I am always thankful for all the Goshujinsama and Ojousama that remember me.
Yaya: Sadly, one of my favorite stories doesn’t involve Goshujinsama or Ojousama, but once you hear it I think you’ll understand hehe. During Weebcon 2023, Megami was lucky enough to work with At Home café and my color is lavender like At Home’s Chimu. One of my favorite memories is meeting her because she is my idol. I was kinda stressed meeting her because I had lost my voice! But she still understood how much I loved and respected her and she treated me so well as a fellow maid.
You both wear a lot of cute accessories with your maid uniform. How did you develop your personal style as a maid?
Yaya: When I first started I didn’t really know what I was doing; I just got anything lavender and slapped it on. Looking back on my trainee photos, even my makeup has evolved since then. I had to figure out who ‘Yaya’ was back then, like now I know I have more of a sassy attitude and I want to make Goshujinsama and Ojousama laugh. I try to make it edgy and cute. You might call it bittersweet kawaii since my color is lavender, but I try to add my own funny mischievous bits in there— it’s very Kuromi like! On my headband I actually just added a new Kuromi pin since I see myself in her so much.
Risa: Risa loves white and pastel colors, my color is a light candy yellow so I choose accessories that match with my theme. I wear Himekaji and Lolita in my day-to-day life, so I take inspiration from that, adding bows to my apron and my hair. I actually lost my neck bow earlier this year and had to make a new one from a hairbow!
Do you have a role model or source of inspiration when it comes to being a maid?
Risa: At Home café's Mizukin, my lovely maid senpai and big sister from Akihabara! She is the loveliest maid and always has great energy when she is serving and performing!I love how connected she is with her audience whether she is on or off stage.
Yaya: Definitely Chimu from At Home, but for something more local and don’t tell her, but I look up to our head maid Yui. I admire her style and how she interacts with guests and people we work with. I respect her professionalism and see her as the type of maid I want to grow into.
Besides the café, what are you doing for fun in your free time?
Yaya: Anyone who knows me knows I’m a fandom girlie. I read. That’s all I will say because if you get it, you get it. I’ve also been getting back into Project Sekai. I love music and dancing and that goes hand in hand with rhythm games. Recently, I’ve been crocheting as well.
Risa: I love to dance, listen to music (kpop and jpop girl groups), make simple crafts like accessories, and watch anime. hehe.
What song have you been listening to?
Risa: I’ve been listening to Banana Allergy Monkey by Oh My Girl. I love Oh My Girl so much and hope I can perform the dance with friends soon!
Yaya: Some of my on-repeat favorites have been: Lettuce by F5ve, Pink Pony Club by Chappell Roan and Touch by Katseye.
Favorite maid dance?
Yaya: Akogare♡Maid Vacation! The first and second generation maids used to perform it more and we haven’t brought it to the new generations. I want us to do it every summer, it’s such a cute song.
Risa: I love Eien Maid Shugi by At Home café! I think it perfectly captures the maid café experience in dance form.
What’s something Goshujinsama and Ojousama might not know about you?
Risa: Fun fact, I’m shorter than everyone in Megami!
Yaya: I’m the head dance maid, but I’m bad at holding myself accountable for learning dances. I usually learn the choreography day-of or day before.
What's one thing you'd like to accomplish in your future as a premium maid?
Yaya: Along with my premium maid duties, I want to train the new girls that will be joining Megami. Giving them confidence and helping them grow is so important to me because I want them to love this as much as I love it and we can all help Megami grow together.
Risa:I want to take more of a leadership role and introduce Megami maid café to more Goshujinsama and Ojousama around the world! I want to reach out to the other side of the world and have everyone get to know Megami Maids
If you could go back in time to when you first joined Megami, what advice would you give yourself?
Risa: If I could go back and meet myself, I would give myself more dance tips. Looking back on my past performances, it’s not bad, but there are more elements I’m aware of now like audience interaction and stage presence. I would tell her to not be shy and not limit her movements.
Yaya: Don’t try so hard with the voice. I used to pitch my voice up a little high, but as time went on I realized Goshujinsama and Ojousama helped me realize I could be my true self and they would still love and adore me for it.
As you know, Megami Maids is welcoming a new generation of trainee maids. Do you have any words of wisdom for them?
Risa: Welcome to Megami! Please have fun as a maid and bring lots of moe to all that you meet!
Yaya: Just have a good time with it! Everything will come to you in time, you’re going to make mistakes— us premium maids make mistakes. I’m going to quote Mr. Yeager from Transformers: Age of Extinction: “That’s what being human means, is to make mistakes.” We learn from it and we come back better and sometimes mistakes will make more people love you.

It's a new year and with that comes new year's resolutions, but for maids our goals usually aren't related to running marathons or saving money. Instead we focus on how to bring more moe into 2025- that is, improving our dancing, making our uniforms even cuter, and of course, upgrading our cheki skills.
Cheki (チェキ) refers to photographs from instant cameras. It's common practice to purchase cheki as a souvenir for visiting a maid café. The guest will choose which maid to take the photo with and that maid will personally decorate the photo.
Many maids feel intimidated when decorating their first chekis, but I will give you my step by step guide to making the perfect cheki every time!
Gather your supplies!
My personal camera is the Fujifilm Instax Mini 7S. A simple point and shoot camera with minimal settings that makes it perfect for beginners, but some instant cameras have digital features that allow you to choose which photos to print. I use the fine line uni Paint Marker, but these are oil-based markers that I would not recommend for beginners because they dry very quickly. For practicing I recommend you use a fine tip water-based paint pen since you can wipe away mistakes with an alcohol based wipe and try again. Also, if you’re using paint pens, bring a piece of scrap paper to prep the markers or practice what you want to draw.

Taking the Photo
Make sure you are in a brightly lit area when taking your photo, most cameras will have a lighting setting you can adjust and auto-flash, but for the clearest print you want bright, even lighting. For cheki with two people aim for a medium shot (waist up) so you can clearly see both subjects. When taking a photo of just yourself or ‘solo cheki’ feel free to experiment with full body shots or close up.
Goshujinsama and Ojousama might ask for cheki knowing what pose they want, but if they want you to decide, don’t panic! Think KISS: Keep It Simple and Sweet! Think of two or three cute and easy poses you can do like ‘cat paws’ or ‘heart hands’. A simple pose means you can take the photo quicker and get to every maids favorite part of cheki—
Before you use your paint pens, shake to mix the paint and use the scratch paper to prime the tip by pressing down and test the pen by doodling, if the paint looks good, you’re ready to start!
Chekis are a memento of precious time spent in a maid café so you always want to include your name, Goshujinsama or Ojousama’s name and the date you took the picture. I always do this first so I don’t forget and try to cram in the date or my name when I’m finished drawing.
You could be decorating many cheki at a time, try to keep it simple and stick to a limited color palette. For my first example, Chisa’s maid color is salmon pink so I chose pink, orange and white for my cheki with her. Chisa was also my inspiration for my choice of drawing, because we were posed like flowers, I drew flowers around us. You can use your time with Goshujinsama and Ojousama as inspiration for your cheki as well. Ask them their favorite color or animal or think about the anime you discussed and use that as inspiration!

Be patient and wait for the paint to dry so you don’t accidentally smear your work. On my cheki with Aries I wanted to draw cat paws, but I wasn’t careful and smudged my lines. This leads me into my second tip which is to be flexible! I couldn’t draw cat paws like I wanted so I turned them into hearts which are still super cute.

Look for inspiration everywhere! Maids aren’t the only ones who decorate cheki, look at idol accounts or even artists who work with paint pens. You can look at how they are posed or how they decorate and try it for yourself.
The last tip of course is to practice practice practice! Even if you don’t have chekis you can draw in a notebook or on your phone. The more you practice the easier it will be to decorate cheki during your time working at your maid café!
That’s all I have for you! Go out there and make memories!